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Assignment 6 Persuasion Analysis

Assignment 6 Persuasion Analysis

Q Assignment Content 1. 1. Please, read Considering the Context of your Argument, Crafting a Persuasive Argument, Avoiding Logical Fallacies, and Presenting Yourself Effectively. Pages 177 — 193. 2. Visit the website of a car manufacturer, (just one, and any website you like) such as Ford, Kia, Tesla, Mazda, Honda, and more… Then, identify the major techniques of persuasion used in the words and graphics on the site. Also, use at least 2 quotes from the book chapter to complement your analysis (this will demonstrate you're reading the chapters and understanding the information). Use these questions to guide yourself, what claims are made? What words do they use? What types of evidence are used? Who is their audience? What do their arguments sound like to you? What type of media do they use? It is not necessary that you answer these questions. 3. Your document must contain: Full name, class, and date. A title of your choice, a screenshot of the selected website, your persuasion analysis in 500 words at least, and a References section to cite the book "Technical Communication" at the end. All written in Arial, 12”. PDF only! 4. Revise your grammar and your citations. Then upload the file on BlackBoard when you’re done. *Incomplete assignments won't be graded.

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I have chosen Honda website to do the analysis. Honda website has an amazing concept of putting a catchy title to attract the audience. Honda happens to be the best creator of the one liner sentence. Like, “See Honda continue to break barriers in the world of mobility” (Honda). This line establishes that Honda is always up for the new changes. The claims made here are huge like there is no second option like Honda who can break the constant barriers. The underlying meaning is that Honda is upping its game of exploration. Honda has put such words like “We are dream builders” (Honda). This company has used the simple language with the powerful tone that Honda has been attributed with. Honda here exhibits the strength by choosing the right words.